All posts by karen


All members are invited to submit up to 3 paintings for the Witley Court exhibition which will commence on 1st September 2021. For full details download the application form here or visit the exhibitions page.

UPDATE: We have sold 3 paintings so far! The exhibition ends on 31st October 2021.

22 July 2021 – newsletter and update

It was great to see everyone on 8th July 2021 for our first meeting back after lock-down. Thanks to all who shared their experiences, artwork and projects.

We had our first art session on Thursday 22nd July at Trimpley Village Hall where members worked on the theme of ‘Holidays’ to get us back into the groove.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 12th July 2021 at 7.15 pm at Trimpley, when the theme for the month of August will be Abstract. Bring something along that you like, it may be a cutting, an object, it may just be a colour of something or a shape. The idea is to use this object as the kick off point to explore shape or colour and see where it takes you.

There is a new Newsletter available, go to the Newsletters page to download or members should have received an email with it attached. See you soon!

24 June -Sketching

Join us on Thursday evening for an outdoor sketching session at Stourport Basin 6-8pm. Bring along a seat, some refreshments and your paper and pencils. If you feel so inclined, meet at the Angel afterwards for a lemonade. See you there!

St George’s Hall Exhibition

The exhibition at St George’s Hall went up on Monday 14th June and it looks great. Thank you to everyone who brought along their paintings to display. The exhibition will be on until 12th July so do try to go along, enjoy a coffee and nice piece of cake and see what everyone has been painting.

27 MAY 2021 sKETCH-OUT

I hope everyone is looking forward to getting out to sketch this evening at Broadwaters Park, the weather is looking ok so far. Remember to bring a seat, refreshments and your art stuff! See you later.

PS: The application form for St Georges Hall is now available.

Newsletter spring 2021

Newsletter – Spring 2021 

Dear Members,

I hope this Newsletter finds you well as we emerge from our enforced hibernation. With fingers and toes crossed we may at last be able to resume our gatherings and social events.

As you are probably aware, we are now able to meet outside in groups of no more than 6 people. So I propose that we get together for a couple of outdoor sketching sessions before we start our meetings at Trimpley Hall on 24th June (to be confirmed).

If anyone has any suggestions of suitable locations please forward to me. These sessions will probably take place on Thursday evenings from 6pm until 8pm to make the most of the light.


We have been invited to exhibit at St Georges Hall in Bewdley from 14th June to 12th July 2021. I will send out an application form soon, but in the meantime, if you have been painting during lockdown, why not select your favourite piece and get it framed ready. There will be one entry per member as space is limited at this venue.

As yet, the committee has not been able to meet to put together a programme for the remainder of the year, but hopefully we should be able to come up with some interesting and challenging subjects to get us back into the swing of things. Again, any ideas will be welcomed.

I will be in touch again soon with more information and hopefully, I will see you all again in the next few weeks.

Kind regards,

Karen H

jan 2021 – happy new year

Am I glad to see the back of 2020! Like most of you I do miss meeting everyone and getting out and about. Having said that, as artistic types we do seem to have been able to spend more time creating some fabulous artwork. I really enjoyed our Virtual Exhibition and seeing what everyone has been working on.

As we move into 2021, let’s hope we can start our meetings again soon and get out of the confines of our homes to enjoy the fresh air and start sketching again.

The January Newsletter is now available to download from the menu on the right-hand side. As ever, if anyone has any suggestions for items for the next edition, please send them to me (Karen).

Dec 2020 – Virtual exhibition goes live

Kidderminster Art Society’s first virtual exhibition went live today. Put together by Chairperson Karen, the video features many of the members of the society with up to 5 paintings by each. There is wide variety of styles, subjects and media on offer. click the link below to view. Watch, share and enjoy!

2020 Virtual exhibition

We will be creating a virtual exhibition this year which will be available in the run-up to Christmas. Watch-out to details and links in the next few days.

The latest Newsletter is now available to download from the side menu. It is not as comprehensive as usual as we have not been able to hold meetings or have many events this year. However with the virtual exhibition due to go live shortly and a planned exhibition at St George’s Hall in February 2021, we have something events coming up.