The Annual Exhibition got off to a fantastic start on 4 November. We had not even finished hanging the paintings and one was sold!
27 members’ works are on show with 50 pieces in total. It’s a eclectic collection of media and styles, well worth a visit! The exhibition will be at the library until Saturday 2nd December so do try to visit.
Artist John Hopkins returned to KAS to do a demonstration for us. He makes it look so easy! A speedy sketch of Lynmouth Habour in under 10 mins then a masterclass in watercolour painting ensued. Huge thank you John, we had a fab evening and learned some great tips, including a lovely sky, water and reflections and getting the buildings to reflect the sunshine.
To cap the evening off, John donated the picture to the society.
On Thursday 26 October KAS enjoyed a relaxed and informative evening with Paul Hatton. The theme of the month was night skies and members brought in a wide variety of art on the subject. It was fascinating to see the different approaches and ideas on the subject. Paul did a great job of appraising the work.
Paul with one of his own paintings.
Kidderminster Art Society for anyone interested in art, at any level of proficiency.