It was great to see everyone on 8th July 2021 for our first meeting back after lock-down. Thanks to all who shared their experiences, artwork and projects.
We had our first art session on Thursday 22nd July at Trimpley Village Hall where members worked on the theme of ‘Holidays’ to get us back into the groove.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 12th July 2021 at 7.15 pm at Trimpley, when the theme for the month of August will be Abstract. Bring something along that you like, it may be a cutting, an object, it may just be a colour of something or a shape. The idea is to use this object as the kick off point to explore shape or colour and see where it takes you.
There is a new Newsletter available, go to the Newsletters page to download or members should have received an email with it attached. See you soon!