Feb 2015 – meetings

Subject of the month : Chinese New Year
5th Feb  will be a printing demo by Paul Hipkiss at Trimpley. Paul has been to the club several times and never fails to entertain us. His work is much admired.
12th Feb  We are holding our AGM at Trimpley Hall
We welcome you to attend to see how your committee has faired this past year and to hear any comments or suggestions you have.
We would like to invite new committee members to join us in the running of our club. If you think you would enjoy helping please see a current committee member .
19th Feb is a work night. Lucy jolly will be coming along to give us some help and advise on using inks.
Please bring your Chinese brushes or if not ‘a good round water colour brush’ and inks,
also some water colour paper to work on.
Shelley will also bring along some books, brushes and inks for those who do not have any, so you can have a go.
Feb 26th is Appraisal night and Lucy Jolly will be giving us some helpful comments on our work.
Don’t Forget
If there is bad weather (SNOW) and you are unsure about the meeting PLEASE ring before travelling
CLAIRE SPENCER on 01299 405115
SHELLEY WARING on 01299 825477