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2 Nov 2017 – Demo by John Hopkins

Artist John Hopkins returned to KAS to do a demonstration for us. He makes it look so easy! A speedy sketch of Lynmouth Habour in under 10 mins then a masterclass in watercolour painting ensued. Huge thank you John, we had a fab evening and learned some great tips, including a lovely sky, water and reflections and getting the buildings to reflect the sunshine.

To cap the evening off, John donated the picture to the society.


26 Oct – Appraisal eve with Paul Hatton

On Thursday 26 October KAS enjoyed a relaxed and informative evening with Paul Hatton. The theme of the month was night skies and members brought in a wide variety of art on the subject. It was fascinating to see the different approaches and ideas on the subject. Paul did a great job of appraising the work.

Paul with one of his own paintings.

5 Oct 17, Demo by DJ

On Thursday evening 5th October 2017, our guest artist known as DJ came along to demonstrate painting night skies in oils. What a great demo it was too! Oil painting is often thought of as being a very slow process, but instead of linseed oil he used ‘Zest-it’, a kinder medium which is unlikely to cause any adverse reaction, especially  asthmatics, and has the advantage of quick drying time.

DJ set about painting the night sky with an aurora, stars, snowy mountains and trees, quite an accomplishment in two hours! Many members commented afterwards that the demo has inspired them to revisit oil painting.

Thank you DJ for a lovely evening, we all hope you will come again soon!


Annual Exhibition planned for Nov 2017

The Kidderminster Art Society’s Annual exhibition will be held during November at Kidderminster Library.

The exhibition will open 4th November and contine throughout the month until take-down day on 2nd December.

A variety of styles  will be on show to reflect some of the work the members undertook during the year.

Come along and see what the society has been doing.

If you are a member you can download the Application form for the exhibition here. Please note that entry is only open to fully paid-up members.

Want to join? Download a membership form here and follow the instructions

7 September 2017 – Chinese Painting Demo

On Thursday 7th September Kidderminster Art Society are looking forward to a Chinese style painting demonstration by Gloria Loney. Gloria likes to paint in watercolours and acrylics and her work is executed in loose, flowing strokes in beautiful colours.

So come along on Thursday and learn how its done.  Non-members welcome to come along to Trimpley Village hall, DY12 1NZ.  £5 on the door.  Refreshments available.

We will be following up the Chinese Style demo with an evening having a go ourselves a week later on Thursday 14th. You can see more of Gloria’s work on Facebook here 

6 July 2017 – Talk by Nick Ashby

We were treated to a wonderful talk by Nick Ashby on Thursday 6th July. It included a little bit of history about cartooning, caricatures and humour in art. He also told us his story about becoming a full-time artist and how he came of own the gallery in Bewdley by the river Severn.

Members are now going to spent the month having a go at creating artwork based on this month’s theme of ‘Humour in Art’.

Nick Ashby will be returning at the end of the month to see how we get on and to hold our appraisal evening on 27th July.  Looking forward to it!

See Nick’s work on his web site –

1st June 2017 – ceramics

On 1st June local artisan Camille from ‘The Melting Pot’ in Bewdley came along with a selection of pots, plates and tiles for the members to decorate. After an absorbing 2 hours  a wide range of interesting pieces had been completed. Camille took them with her to get them fired and will bring them back towards the end of the month.

Can’t wait to see the finished results! Below are some photos of the glazed pots awaiting firing.