3 September 2020 – Sketching at Stourport

Come and join us on Thursday 3rd September 2020 at Stourport Basin for some sketching. Stourport Basin is full of character with a wide range of subject matter. Just turn up anytime after 2pm and enjoy 2 or 3 hours of socially-distanced drawing. Don’t forget to bring a seat, a drink and something to eat. Alternatively, why not visit a local fish and chip shop for your tea. This is a free event, but please be aware that you will need to pay for parking.

Hope to see you there!

The weather was much better than forecast and we had a wonderful afternoon sketching in Stourport. There were so many subjects to choose from we will have to come back again!

20 Aug 2020 -Springfield Park

Thanks you everyone for coming to Springfield Park for a couple of hours sketching. Good to catch up with everyone. I have been requested to arrange another plein air session, so the next one will be after the bank holiday on 3rd September at Stourport basin, meet from 2pm then how about a fish and chip supper?

Summer Update 2020

Well in terms of social activity 2020 has been a wash-out. At least the weather was mostly good during the spring and summer. The good news in that most members have been continuing to paint and draw and have been sharing photos of their work on Facebook and Whatsapp.

Most of our planned exhibitions have been cancelled or postponed. See the Exhibitions page for the latest details.

On the bright side, we have the opportunity to meet in limited numbers, adhering to social distancing rules, at Kidderminster Golf Club. https://www.thekidderminstergolfclub.com/

When rules are relaxed further in August, I will be arranging some outdoor sketching sessions, details coming soon!

Many members have been keeping up with the 2020 Vision Project, painting a picture every week since January.

I will be inviting members to send some of their work done during lockdown to me to be included in a virtual exhibition. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to!

Meetings cancelled until further notice

After communication with committee members, it has been decided to cancel all meetings of Kidderminster Art Society until further notice.

On the advice of the government to desist from socialising, and in order help protect vulnerable groups, we will not be holding any meetings until further notice. It is likely that the proposed exhibition at Witley Tea Rooms in April will also be cancelled, further information will follow on this.

I am sure many of you will miss meeting up and painting, but do join the Kidderminster Art Society Group on facebook where we can continue to share our work and keep in touch. Click here to find our Facebook Group

Until we meet again, keep safe.

Karen Harmon (Chair person)

12 March 2020 – Demo by Kate Wrigglesworth

Many thanks to Kate Wrigglesworth who came to Trimpley Village Hall to do a demonstration using watercolour and inks. Based on our theme of ‘Joy’, Kate painted a spring scene with trees in blossom and bunting waving in the wind. As a special request she included a bumble bee and geese in the park. A thoroughly enjoyable and fun evening.

March 2020 – We are looking forward to welcoming Kate Wrigglesworth to Trimpley Village Hall this evening to do a painting demonstration based on our monthly theme of ‘Joy’. Apart from painting Kate is also a dancer and teaches both children and adults.

You can find out more about Kate on her web site here.

There will be a small admission fee of £3 for members and £5 for non-members to this event. Starts at 7.15pm and expected finish time will be around 9.15 pm. Hope to see you there.

Trimpley Village Hall, Trimpley Near Bewdley DY 12 1NZ

Painting by Kate Wrigglesworth

27 Feb 2020 -AGM

On Thursday 27th February 2020 we will be holding our AGM at Trimpley Village Hall. Start time 7.15 pm. Come along and find out what is planned for 2020 and let us have your suggestions for inclusion in the programme.

We will be looking for volunteers to help with exhibitions and publicity. If you feel you could spare the odd hour, please let us know.

NB: Membership fees are now due. £20 per annum which helps pay for our lovely meeting room, for various activities including entry to exhibitions, demos and the ongoing costs of running the Society. Your support is much appreciated.

  • Join our Facebook Group here
  • Join the Facebook Page here

13 Feb Meeting

The theme of the month is ‘Air’. Great evening at Trimpley! Nearly everyone had a go with the airbrush with some interesting results, but it will take practice to really get the hang of it! Loads of other creative stuff happening with straws and bubbles. I had a ball. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

9 January 2020 – Meeting

UPDATE – What a great evening! It was a full house with everyone having a go at our theme of the month ‘Ice’. Some members started working of the 2020 Vision Prompts with some great results. Karen brought in wax paper and showed members how to transfer the wax coating onto watercolour paper to create random effects which was then painted.

We kick off the year on 9th January 2020 at Trimpley Village Hall. The theme of the month is ICE. We will be using resists, such as masking fluid and wax to create pictures around our theme. Bring along your own reference photos and ideas to work from.

The 2020 Vision Project has now commenced. A series of weekly prompts is available to give you ideas for paintings or sketches throughout the year. They are all related to the ‘Theme of the Month’. The list can be found by following the link on the righthand panel.