Category Archives: Demo Nights

8 Jan 2015, Demo Night

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL KAS MEMBERS!  We kick off the year this Thursday, 8th January, with our very own David Spurrier RBSA, who will give us a demonstration on mixed media. Please arrive for 7 pm to start about 7.15pm.

As usual, non-members are welcome and can pay £5 on the door. Tea or coffee and biscuits are included. If there is any sign of bad weather and you think the evening may be cancelled please telephone CLAIRE SPENCER on 01299 405115 before travelling.

The new programme will appear on the ‘What’s On’ pages as soon as it is finalised.

2 Oct 2014 – Demo by Chris Saunderson

Chris SaudnersonKidderminster Art Society were treated to a demonstration by the well known artist Chris Saunderson this evening. His stunning painting of a cockerel tied in with this month’s theme of feathered friends. Chris used vibrant, flowing colours to create a powerful image in watercolour using a combination of Windsor and Newton Artists colours and Daniel Smith Watercolours on Langton rough paper.

Digital art

Chris enjoys creating digital art on his tablet and he brought along some samples of his work to show the group. He was also kind enough to provide a list of his favourite apps for anyone wanting to have a go. 

Below, some other work by Chris that he brought along to show us.

C Saunderson birds1 DSCF2428


4 Sept 2014 Demo

Unfortunately, due to ill-health Brian Steventon  was unable to come and do the demonstration.  However, our very own Shelley Waring stepped into the breach and continuing the theme of ‘Townscapes’ did a demo for the members.  Many thanks Shelley!!

3 July 2014 Demo by Sam Manley

This evening members of the Kidderminster Art Society were treated to a demonstration by Sam Manley, freelance illustrator and current chairman of Ludlow Art Society.

Sam specialises in digital art using Photoshop and has worked on many projects including the Dr Who card game and illustrations for Gun Metal Games and Fantasy Flight Games.

Sam began with a rough digital sketch and showed us how he developed it from a basic tonal image to a full colour illustration, working in layers and using the various tools available in the programme.  Below you can see him at work.

 Sam Manley

Sam Manley

Sam at work
Sam at work

Demo piece
Demo piece

You can see more of Sam Manley’s work on Facebook and on his web site


5th July Demo Night

A huge thanks to Norman Rossiter who came all the way from Spalding, Lincolnshire to entertain the Kidderminster Art Society  and demonstrate Derwent’s Inktense Pencils and Blocks.

Norman Rossiter 01
Norman Rossiter

He gave us a fascinating insight into the different ways this medium can be used to create beautiful wildlife and landscape pictures.

Norman particularly likes using Inktense when out sketching as it does not smudge and once water is added, it becomes permanent.

The Blocks feel much like oil pastels and can be used on their sides to

Norman Rossiter
Norman Rossiter

make broad marks or on the edge for finer detail. This can be complimented with the Inktense pencils to give a wide range of marks. When water is added the colours become very vibrant and can be mixed together on the paper.  To see more of Norman’s work visit his website here

An Evening with Tony Chance

Kidderminster Art Society were delighted to welcome Tony Chance to tonight’s meeting at Trimpley Village Hall.

Tony Chance 2He gave us a fascinating insight into his life as an artist and how he came to do storyboards for some very famous films, such as Mission Impossible. 


Tony has a passion for drawing and has been known to do up to 40 drawings in one day! He is also a fine watercolour artist and uses coloured pencils and oils. Tonight he showed us some of the artwork he has done over the years and finished off the evening doing a quick demo on his Ipad using the ‘Brushes’ app.

Tony Chance



Talk by Tony Chance 3rd April 2014

On Thursday 3rd April 2014 we look forward to welcoming Tony Chance who will talk about earning a living from his art as a story-board artist.

His talk will be accompanied by slides and story boards for films.

The meeting is at Trimpley Village Hall, DY12 1NZ, commencing at 7.15pm.

Tea and coffee will be served during a break.  Members £3.00 and Visitors £5.00.  Further details from Claire, tel 01299 405115.

Visit Tony’s site to see some of his work