Category Archives: Work Nights

11 Sept 2014 – Work Night

Don’t forget Thursday 11 September will be a Work Night, to be held at Trimpley Village Hall.

This month’s theme is Townscapes; so bring your sketches, photos etc. and come and enjoy an evening of light-hearted banter and painting.

Work Night 17 April

Tonight the theme ‘A Social Event’ continued with members volunteering to sit for the rest of the class. It was probably the quietest work night I have ever attended, everyone was so intense, concentrating on the subject!

Special thanks to David, Colin and Ellie for sitting, hope you don’t ache too much tomorrow!

 PS: If any members would like to send in their sketches from the evening to display here, please email to Karen  Thanks!

Work Night 10 April

Tonight’s work night at Trimpley Village Hall, based around this month’s theme of ‘A Social Event’ was well attended. A table was set-up with a bottle of champagne (full, I might add!) champagne flutes and streamers, for those who wanted to draw them. However, as is the usual format of the evening, some members already had their own ideas and had started drawings and paintings.

I decided to jot down a few possible ideas along the theme, which actually ended up a huge long list!

The main ingredients though, would be;

  • People (what ages?),
  • Celebrations, (wedding, birthday party etc)
  • Sporting Events (football, bowling, darts etc)
  • Venues (Hall, hotel, garden etc)

So just a few ideas to get you started! Why not come along to the work night next Thursday and join the fun.  Hope to see you there!


Work Night 20th March

The Kidderminster Art Society’s next meeting will be on 20th March at Trimpley Village Hall. The theme for March is ‘The Coastline’.

If you are thinking about joining the Kidderminster Art Society, why not come along for a free ‘taster’ and meet some of the members. The Work Nights are very friendly and informal. Just bring some paper or sketchbook and something to draw or paint with.

The evening starts at around 7.15 p.m. until about 9.15

Work Night at Trimpley Village Hall

There was a good turnout tonight at the work night at Trimpley Village Hall. We are pleased to welcome another new member, Ruth, who joined us for the first time.
The theme for March is ‘Coastline’ and there were a number of items, such as rocks, shells and driftwood, brought in to draw or for inspiration. Shelley also brought a crate load of books on the ‘coastline theme’ from her extensive library – Thanks Shelley!