13 June 2019 – Demo by Graham Wilson

Huge thanks to our guest artist Graham Wilson for his demo this evening. Loads of tips and information which went down particularly well with our newer members. I was so engrossed in the humorous quips and chatter that I completely forgot to take any photos ! So below is a link to a painting of a train on his website. Thanks too to everyone who helped on the night; putting tables and chairs out (and away), making tea and coffee and washing up, setting up and operating the camera and manning the door etc. https://grahamwilsonart.weebly.com/gallery-watercolours.html#

23 May 2019 – table top sale

This evening we have a table-top sale so bring along your unwanted art stuff and search out a bargain. Special offer on sketch books, videos and DVDs. Also bring along your work from the last month to share and appraise. those of you who had paintings at Foleys Dental please collect your work this evening. See you there!

May 9th 2019 – sketching

On 9th May, we will be holding a sketching session on the theme of ‘scales’. There will be some interesting subject matter to draw so bring your pencils and paints and have a go. Don’t forget to bring in your paintings for Foley’s Dental exhibition! Please note that membership subs are now overdue.

25 April 2019 – Spring Trophy

The Spring Trophy evening was well attended by members old and new. Some great artwork on show in a variety of media and subject matter. The winner of the Trophy 2019 is. . . . Gina Lee! Runners up in Joint 2nd place were Rod Edwards, Shirley Mills and Claire Spencer. Well done everyone ! Thanks too to Jenny for organising the food, Jenny and Colin for setting up and Gill and Linden for manning the kitchen. Hope I’ve not missed anyone.

On Thursday 25 April 2019 will will be holding our Annual Spring Trophy Award. This event is for paid-up members of the society only. One work produced within the last 12 months may be entered and members will vote for their favourite piece. It will be held at Trimpley Village Hall, start tine 7.15 pm.

Refreshments available.

11 April 2019 – Feathers

On Thursday 11th April we are very lucky to have live models (of the feathered variety) to sketch and paint. Do come along and have a go! We will also have some feathers, a stuffed bird and reference pictures if you would rather draw something that doesn’t keep moving! Trimpley Village Hall, 7.15 pm. Feel free to bring friends and family along to join in.

21 March 2019 – Visit to Wolverley Animal care Center

A big thumbs up to Wolverley Animal Centre Centre based at the school! 18 KAS members attended the afternoon drawing session and everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours drawing a variety of animals. Lucy and her team looked after us brilliantly and there was copious amounts of cakes, tea and coffee on offer. We enjoyed ourselves so much, we might just have to go back again!

14 March 2019 – Drawing Animals

What a great evening! Lesley’s dog Bruno was the star of the show and we had some great sketches of him. Some members brought in other work and there was a variety of other animals on the easels, including squirrels and wolves.

Thursday, 14 March, we have an animal drawing session and we will have a model dog to draw, courtesy of Lesley. We will also bring lots of reference material to study. So come along with your art stuff and have a go. There will be helping hands if you need some advice about how to go about drawing animals. Don’t forget to bring in a painting for the 6 week exhibition at the dentist. Make sure it is labelled with your name, title, medium and price if for sale.

28 Feb 2019 – Appraisal

Lovely evening yesterday with the members of KAS sharing our artwork done during February. Well done to Gill Parker and Shelley Waring coming joint 1st and Christine Sedman-Smith being the runner-up in the Public vote for favourite painting in our annual exhibition.

AGM – 21 February 2019

This Thursday, 21st February 2019, we will be holding our Annual General Meeting. This is an important meeting when members can have a say about the direction and activities of the group. We are also looking for new members to sit on the committee, so please come along and give your support to our fantastic club. Start time 7.15 pm at Trimpley Village Hall.