Category Archives: Art Exhibitions

Annual Exhibition now on!

The Kidderminster Art Society Annual Exhibition is now on

If you get the chance, make sure you don’t miss the KAS Annual exhibition at Kidderminster Library.

The exhibition was opened by the Mayor. She was very impressed with the standard of work on display.

KAS have been working all year trying different media and have held a number of workshops encouraging members to ‘have a go’ at something different to their usual style and medium. I think this idea has really got everyone thinking and helped expand on members’ skills and approach to mark-making. I thing that the variety of media on show at the exhibition bears testimony to this.


Annual Exhibition at the Library

Kidderminster Art Society’s annual exhibition opened today at the Library.  There is some fantastic work and lots of variety. Well worth a visit! The exhibition is on until the end of November so make sure you don’t miss it!



All visitors to the library will be able to vote for their favourite painting and a trophy will be presented to the most popular work.




KAS Duck House at Bewdley

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Here is Kidderminster Art Society’s Duck House entry for the Bewdley Festival. Many thanks go to Kay Wood for her efforts in getting the materials together, designing, painting and glueing.

It looks fab! The Duck Houses will be on show throughout October, so get over to Bewdley and enjoy!

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Here are some of the other entries.

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September activities

This month’s theme is- Painting in Oil and Acrylic. You can choose to paint in either medium for your subject.

  • 3 rd September. We kick of the month with a work night
  • 10th September – Demo Night with Angela Gaughan . She will be demonstrating in Acrylic
  • 17th September – Work Night. We will also be having a photo session with Colin Hill. He will be photographing your entry for the Annual Exhibition in Kidderminster Library in November. Please bring along your UNFRAMED WORK (not behind glass) but can be mounted. Only one piece per member. There will be one more chance in October if your piece isn’t ready.
  • 24th September – Appraisal night with Shirley Bonas. If you are in Bewdley why not pop into St. Georges Cafe and have a look at Shirley’s exhibition.

Lucy Jolly Art Classes Art Exhibition

We are pleased to announce that Lucy Jolly has an exhibition to show some of the art work produced by her students in the Tuesday and Thursday morning art classes.


The Art Exhibition will be held on:  Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th JULY from 11am to 4pm, at the Elizabeth Mills Centre, off New Street Stourport (opposite the Civic Centre).

There will be a wide range of painting in a variety of mediums and some will be for sale and prints of some painting on offer.

Tea, coffee and biscuits (or even cake!) will be available. There will also be a good selection of prizes to be won with a table-top tombola.

All proceed will go to a nominated charity.

We look forward to seeing you!

For more information please contact Lucy Jolly on 01562 852 064