5 March 2015 – Acrylics demo, Brian Steventon

From this month we will be having a Medium of the month, but you can choose whether to paint a landscape, portrait, animals, buildings, flowers, abstract or anything you like to paint. The choice is yours.
BUT you will have to do it in the months chosen medium.

This month ‘MARCH’ the chosen medium is ACRYLIC

Don’t worry if you don’t have the medium, you are welcome to come along and you will find that other members will bring supplies for you to try out.

So tonight it’s Trimpley Hall for 7.15, BRIAN STEVENTON RBSA BWS is coming along to give us an insight on acrylic techniques.

5 Feb 2015 – Paul Hipkiss Demo

Kidderminster Art Society enjoyed an informative evening with Paul Hipkiss on 5 Feb 2015, demonstrating some of his printing techniques.


With a quick background and overprinting, Paul created this lovely print in just 20 minutes.





Here Paul makes his print on a press then with colour washes, completes the picture of the bridge, leaving the white railing, helping to define the contours as a contrast against the sky and trees.




A member of the RBSA, you can view more of Paul’s work here 



Feb 2015 – meetings

Subject of the month : Chinese New Year
5th Feb  will be a printing demo by Paul Hipkiss at Trimpley. Paul has been to the club several times and never fails to entertain us. His work is much admired.
12th Feb  We are holding our AGM at Trimpley Hall
We welcome you to attend to see how your committee has faired this past year and to hear any comments or suggestions you have.
We would like to invite new committee members to join us in the running of our club. If you think you would enjoy helping please see a current committee member .
19th Feb is a work night. Lucy jolly will be coming along to give us some help and advise on using inks.
Please bring your Chinese brushes or if not ‘a good round water colour brush’ and inks,
also some water colour paper to work on.
Shelley will also bring along some books, brushes and inks for those who do not have any, so you can have a go.
Feb 26th is Appraisal night and Lucy Jolly will be giving us some helpful comments on our work.
Don’t Forget
If there is bad weather (SNOW) and you are unsure about the meeting PLEASE ring before travelling
CLAIRE SPENCER on 01299 405115
SHELLEY WARING on 01299 825477

8 Jan 2015, Demo Night

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL KAS MEMBERS!  We kick off the year this Thursday, 8th January, with our very own David Spurrier RBSA, who will give us a demonstration on mixed media. Please arrive for 7 pm to start about 7.15pm.

As usual, non-members are welcome and can pay £5 on the door. Tea or coffee and biscuits are included. If there is any sign of bad weather and you think the evening may be cancelled please telephone CLAIRE SPENCER on 01299 405115 before travelling.

The new programme will appear on the ‘What’s On’ pages as soon as it is finalised.

6 Nov 2014 The Origins of Modern Art by Anthony Slinn

Anthony SlinnThere was an excellent turn-out for the talk by Anthony Slinn with many new members and guests in attendance. The talk was very informative and filled in some of those gaps about the progression of art from mid 19th to the early 20th century.

The talk focused on 5 well-known artists of the era and explored the development of their styles and the interaction between the artists of the day.

Huge thanks to Anthony for delivering a lively and insightful look at the lives of the artists and their work.

Anthony Slinn with Jim and Karen

6 November 2014 Celebrity Lecture

On 6 November 2014 there will be a celebrity lecture about the birth of Modern Art by Anthony Slinn.

It will be held at Stourport Sports Club and tickets are available at £6.00 for members and £8.00 for guests. Bring along friends and family and pass the word on to anyone you may think would enjoy the evenings entertainment. Tickets available on the door. Bar open for refreshments in interval and after.

Please arrive for 7.00 p.m.

2 Oct 2014 – Demo by Chris Saunderson

Chris SaudnersonKidderminster Art Society were treated to a demonstration by the well known artist Chris Saunderson this evening. His stunning painting of a cockerel tied in with this month’s theme of feathered friends. Chris used vibrant, flowing colours to create a powerful image in watercolour using a combination of Windsor and Newton Artists colours and Daniel Smith Watercolours on Langton rough paper.

Digital art

Chris enjoys creating digital art on his tablet and he brought along some samples of his work to show the group. He was also kind enough to provide a list of his favourite apps for anyone wanting to have a go. 

Below, some other work by Chris that he brought along to show us.

C Saunderson birds1 DSCF2428


11 Sept 2014 – Work Night

Don’t forget Thursday 11 September will be a Work Night, to be held at Trimpley Village Hall.

This month’s theme is Townscapes; so bring your sketches, photos etc. and come and enjoy an evening of light-hearted banter and painting.