MAY – Medium of the month is PASTELS
- 7th May – Demonstration by Claire Spencer, RBSA. Do come along and support Claire, she is very talented.
- 14th May – Work night with Models, Figure Drawing. Lucy Jolly will be running this work night. There will be two models for you (Clothed) and you will need to bring along A3 drawing pad, Pencils, eraser and ruler. Please don’t bring charcoal or pastels or any paints. This night will be about the proportions of the body and how to get this accurately down on paper.
- 21st May – Work night. This week will be run by Lesley Connolly. There will be some Pastels for you to try but if you have your own then please bring them along with you.
28th May – Appraisal night with Rod Edwards. Bring along your work for appraisal. If you are new to this medium, then bring along what you have done, it does not have to be a piece of finished work, it could just be techniques and colour combinations you have tried in pastel.