4 Sept 2014 Demo

Unfortunately, due to ill-health Brian Steventon  was unable to come and do the demonstration.  However, our very own Shelley Waring stepped into the breach and continuing the theme of ‘Townscapes’ did a demo for the members.  Many thanks Shelley!!

3 July 2014 Demo by Sam Manley

This evening members of the Kidderminster Art Society were treated to a demonstration by Sam Manley, freelance illustrator and current chairman of Ludlow Art Society.

Sam specialises in digital art using Photoshop and has worked on many projects including the Dr Who card game and illustrations for Gun Metal Games and Fantasy Flight Games.

Sam began with a rough digital sketch and showed us how he developed it from a basic tonal image to a full colour illustration, working in layers and using the various tools available in the programme.  Below you can see him at work.

 Sam Manley

Sam Manley

Sam at work
Sam at work

Demo piece
Demo piece

You can see more of Sam Manley’s work on Facebook and on his web site


Lucy Jolly Art Classes Art Exhibition

We are pleased to announce that Lucy Jolly has an exhibition to show some of the art work produced by her students in the Tuesday and Thursday morning art classes.


The Art Exhibition will be held on:  Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th JULY from 11am to 4pm, at the Elizabeth Mills Centre, off New Street Stourport (opposite the Civic Centre).

There will be a wide range of painting in a variety of mediums and some will be for sale and prints of some painting on offer.

Tea, coffee and biscuits (or even cake!) will be available. There will also be a good selection of prizes to be won with a table-top tombola.

All proceed will go to a nominated charity.

We look forward to seeing you!

For more information please contact Lucy Jolly on 01562 852 064

19 June 2014 Social and BBQ

A lively and enjoyable evening was had by all with nearly 50 people attending the Social and BBQ evening on 19 June 2014. An art quiz put together by Dave Worn tested the knowledge of the guests. Bottles of wine etc are to be awarded to the winners (to be announced at the next meeting).

Many thanks go to the team who organised the BBQ and buffet who did an outstanding job of catering for everyone !BBQ

BBQ - tucking in

5th July Demo Night

A huge thanks to Norman Rossiter who came all the way from Spalding, Lincolnshire to entertain the Kidderminster Art Society  and demonstrate Derwent’s Inktense Pencils and Blocks.

Norman Rossiter 01
Norman Rossiter

He gave us a fascinating insight into the different ways this medium can be used to create beautiful wildlife and landscape pictures.

Norman particularly likes using Inktense when out sketching as it does not smudge and once water is added, it becomes permanent.

The Blocks feel much like oil pastels and can be used on their sides to

Norman Rossiter
Norman Rossiter

make broad marks or on the edge for finer detail. This can be complimented with the Inktense pencils to give a wide range of marks. When water is added the colours become very vibrant and can be mixed together on the paper.  To see more of Norman’s work visit his website here

Spring Trophy 24 April

A great evening was had by all who attended the Kidderminster Art Society Social evening and Spring Trophy Award tonight.

Many thanks go to those who provided the buffet and drinks and to all those who put a painting in for the Spring Trophy Award.

Sring Trophy Winners

Lesley Winner

The worthy winner was
Lesley Connolly.
David Spurrier and Pam French were the runners up.

Everyone who attended the evening had an opportunity to vote for their 3 favourite paintings; but it was by no means an easy task to choose, as there was so much talent on show!

 Double Trouble  David Spurrier  Violin


Work Night 17 April

Tonight the theme ‘A Social Event’ continued with members volunteering to sit for the rest of the class. It was probably the quietest work night I have ever attended, everyone was so intense, concentrating on the subject!

Special thanks to David, Colin and Ellie for sitting, hope you don’t ache too much tomorrow!

 PS: If any members would like to send in their sketches from the evening to display here, please email to Karen  Thanks!